Adoption Worker - NC, VA

Heather Owens – NC, VA  I am an avid gardener – both in flowers and with planting veggies – this keeps me occupied during the summer months.  I love spending…

Adoption Worker- NC & VA

My name is Eva and I live in Central Virginia.  I am married and have one adult son.  I have an older sister who was adopted. I chose the career…

Adoption Worker - NC, SC

Suzanne Pach – NC, SC  Before anything else I am a wife and mother of five children. I believe that my roles as a wife and as a mother enables…

Adoption Worker - NC, SC

Kim Letteer – NC, SC  Adoption is very close to my heart as all three of my kids are adopted! Adoption is more than a choice but an act of…

Adoption Worker – NC & SC

I serve families in SC and NC through their adoption and foster care journeys.  I began work in adoption services in 1999 and it is my joy to support families…

Adoption Worker - VA

Taren Lambert – VA  I am Taren Lambert. I have dedicated many years to helping individuals, couples, families, and others progress through life, meet goals, and overcome challenges. I have…

Adoption Worker - VA

I have a lot of experience with children and families in the foster and adoption community both in my personal and professional life. Growing up in a household that fostered…

Adoption Worker - VA

Virginia is “home” after growing up in a military family and never really placing roots until college. It seems that adoption has been weaved into my family story in many…

Adoption Worker – VA

I have always had a passion for working with children and families. I spent four years working with therapeutic foster parents in Indiana. There, I was able to work as…

Adoption Worker - VA

April Harrah – VA  My husband and I have been married for 24 years and we have two adult biological children and one child adopted through foster care who is…