International Adoption

Over 5,000 Children Home

Served in 28+ Countries

30 years of uniting forever families

Why Choose Children's Adoption Services

As Children’s Adoption Services (CAS) celebrates over 30 years of experience in providing adoption services, we pride ourselves on uniting families who have opened their hearts with a child in need.  CAS walks this journey with you offers informational, educational and ongoing post-adoption support.

Children’s Adoption Services international adoption programs are based in Armenia, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Ghana, and HaitiAs always, we encourage all families to explore, and learn more about the benefits of international adoption!


First step is to sign up for more information

Our team will provide you with the information you need to make a decision about adoption.  We encourage families to schedule a consultation and discuss your individual hopes, expectations, and needs.  Our team at Children’s Adoption Services are always available to assist you and your family throughout the adoption process.

For more information regarding international/domestic adoption or foster care services, call 800.632.9312 or send us an email at


Where do I start?


Speak to a CAS Team Member

Sign up for an informational session.  Learn about the approach to adoption and let our team answer questions.  We have a wealth of information and would love to connect you to families that have adopted internationally with CAS and hear their stories.

Explore your options.

Learn about all our programs to make informed decisions about what is best for your family.

Home Study

Start with a home study and start to build your dossier of necessary documents.

Begin the Journey

Once you are matched with a child and the legal steps you will begin the travel portion to meet your child!  This is an exciting time for families and our team to celebrate the welcome home!

“We brought home our daughter in October 2018, if it wasn’t for CAS, it wouldn’t be a reality. CAS helped us every step of the way, and answered every question we had before we started the adoption process to after we were home as a family. I would highly recommend CAS to anyone thinking about adopting!”