The #1 tip is to contact a Travel Advisor if you plan to travel, whether domestic or international.

Travel Advisors will make sure you know what places are back open for travel as well as educating you on what documents are required, the policies and procedures that are in place. Through research and screening, they know the quality of the company being used for booking, handling everything from lodging/hotel, flights, travel insurance, transfers, excursions, etc. Putting everything together to be sure you have the best vacations experience.

Travel Advisors have leverage with insider contacts to ensure you have a smoother trip. But should you encounter a problem or emergency while traveling, they go the extra mile to get you home. They offer something the online booking sites don’t, personal attention. You work with the same agent from start to finish. They build relationships with their clients, planning and booking travel year after year.

Attached are some great articles that are travel related.  We hope you find the helpful!

First Time Traveling Abroad?

Fly like a pro!

Packing Tips