Foster Care South Carolina

In 2022, there were 4,022 children in foster care in South Carolina. We want every child to have a safe, loving home.

What to Expect as a Foster Parent:

      • Foster families provide 24/7 care to foster children and youth with family reunification goals.
      • Care can be from overnight to 1+ years
      • Foster families will partner with CAS, DSS, & the child(ren)’s family system for best possible futures.
      • Ongoing training and support from CAS
      • Fulfillment of an amazing calling!
      • Monthly Financial Stipend


Becoming a Family Foster Parent:

      • Complete pre-application
      • CAS professional will contact you to plan your next steps once the pre-application is received
      • Complete your home study with the assistance of a supportive, knowledgeable worker assigned to your family
      • Complete the required 14 hours of pre-service training with Heartfelt calling
      • Your application and home study are then submitted to South Carolina DSS for approval
      • Once approved, you are eligible for placement of children!

Heartfelt Calling

The only reward for love is the experience of loving.

Being a Foster or Adoptive Parent isn’t easy and it isn’t for everyone. But, if you have a Heartfelt Calling to Make a Difference in the life of a child, it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have. CAS partners with Heartfelt Calling to provide self-paced, online, and complimentary training to prospective foster parents in SC. Click to learn more!