Children and youth are waiting for you. In 2021, there were 3,944 children in South Carolina’s foster care system.

About Family Foster Care & Reunification Goals

  • Foster families provide 24/7 care to foster children and youth with family reunification goals. 
  • 1 week – 1 year.
  • Foster families will partner with CAS, DSS, & the child(ren)’s family system for best possible futures.

Becoming a Foster Care Family

  • Families will be required to complete a pre-application
  • A CAS professional will contact you to plan your next steps
  • You must complete a home study
  • You must complete training and licensure certifications required by law
  • You then will be matched/placed with child(ren) 
  • You can elect for respite care which can range from 1 day to 30 days 
  • You can elect for foster care, 1 day to 1 year

CAS Support

  • 24/7 on call support staff
  • Home visits
  • Training support for you and your family
  • Help coordinate child(ren)’s plan for bestpossible future