Name: Vera
Age: 11
Region: Eastern Europe
Interests: drawing, crafts, puzzles, listening to stories
Special Needs: Cerebral Palsy, mild cognitive disability
Vera is a sweet 11-year-old girl who is described as being very gentle, loving, and caring. She loves to sing, laugh, give hugs, and talk to her caregivers about her day or things she is excited about. She enjoys drawing, listening to stories, making crafts, and playing with wooden puzzles. She enjoys group games and has several friends who she likes to look out for. Her favorite food is spaghetti. She is in the 3rd grade and her favorite subjects are music and art. Vera has a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and mild cognitive disability. She attends a center for special educational as well as works with an occupational therapist, art therapist, and speech therapist. She is able to speak in short sentences and sometimes struggles with a stutter. She can walk and run independently and sometimes needs support going up and down stairs. Please reach out to us today to learn more about sweet Vera!